Bagheria: Terraferma, the new drop-in for migrants opens

Finally a new drop-in service for migrants will open in Bagheria.

The drop-in was opened by the associations Bocs, ComitatoBarca, Caritas Cittadina di Bagheria and Borderline Sicilia to fill the void with dialogue. It’s the first necessary intervention to foster civil and cultural togetherness by those who live in our country. Thanks to the work of its volunteers, the drop-in Terraferma guarantees a listening service, initial orientation and legal advice

The drop-in was inaugurated on Friday, 15th of February, at 6pm in the localities of Bocs in Via Piersanti Mattarella. The aim is to support migrants in direct access to all services for citizens and to help them in exercising their rights if necessary. Sometimes it’s difficult to find answers but migrants will certainly find someone motivated to help with finding answers with them.

Bocs: “The drop-in will be an important incentive and a useful way to foster aggregation of people and enable cultural growth in our territory, through linguistic and cultural exchange and shared planning of workshops and activities.”

ComitatoBarca: “Terraferma is the starting point and the arrival point for every voyage over the Mediterranean. The drop-in will be a point of reference for those who arrive on our territory. The goal of all activities is to foster social inclusion and impede the root causes of the war between the poor.”

Caritas Cittadina di Bagheria: “The drop-in Terraferma is a perfectly matching tool for our mission, which consists in being witnesses of charity in the ecclesiastic and civil community in accordance with the needs and times, with a view to the full development of humans, of social justice and peace, and a particular focus on vulnerable people and a prevalently pedagogical functions.”

Borderline Sicilia: “We promote activities to create awareness in the local population on the topic of migration as well as the protection of rights and the guarantee of equal rights through practices of direct participation and self-organization. For this reason we support the emergence and the development of this drop-in, which provides assistance and legal support when it is needed.”

Translation by Helena Hattmannsdorfer