The Abused

“You can’t live without water in 2018, it’s shameful. Even in Africa they have water every day. We’re a third world country, you can’t but feel ashamed”. And it goes on: “The bathrooms are filthy, we can’t even brush our teeth”, “even though there’s been heavy rainfall in the past days, we haven’t been able […]

The Mare Jonio arrives in Palermo

Mediterranea has completed its first mission and returned to Palermo. It is in a pit-stop to refuel and change over the crew before immediately returning to sea. “The outcome of these first days has been extremely positive, our hunch was right”, confirmed Alessandra Sciurba, summing up the first 12 days of the Mare Jonio’s journey […]

We Are Here!

The demonstration on Saturday 6 October brought Palermo together with 60 other European cities in one cry: we are here! Because, before acting, first we must become aware of our own presence. SOS Mediterranée and Mediterranea are here, as witnessed by the crowd that gathered at Piazza Politeama in Palermo to receive and demonstrate solidarity […]

Solidarity Is Not A Crime: Six Tunisian Fishermen Return To Freedom

Palermo, 22.09.2018 Last August 30th, six fishermen from Zarzis were arrested at Lampedusa under the accusation of aiding illegal immigration. The Judge in the Court of Re-Examination in Palermo today decided to revoke the cautionary detention in prison, freeding Chamseddine Bourassine. Along with his crew – Lofti Lahiba, Farhat Tarhouni, Salem Belhiba, Bechir Edhiba and […]

A War Fought With Weapons Of Mass Distraction

In the era of social networks, politics has moved away from the piazza, instead flowing with the tide of the web and conditioning not only voting patterns through weapons of mass distraction, but even modes of thinking and the perception of reality. Migrants have become the enemy to be defeated by any means, and our […]

Against Racially Motivated Aggression

The Noureddine Adnane Observatory Against Racial Discrimination, in collaboration with ARCI Porco Rosso and Borderline Sicilia, expresses its strong concern for the multiplying cases of racially motivated aggression that havcve taken place in Palermo.

European Parliament Sides Against Humanitarian Crimes

Taken from Redattore Sociale –“Providing assistance to migrants is not a crime”. The words of a meeting of European MPs requesting that states monitor border stops. In Italy, the investigations by public prosecutors into the NGOs have reached a dead end: no news from Trapani for a year; in Ragusa “Proactiva” has been exonerated and Palermo […]

Neo-Fascism, Italian Style

After months of games and spectacle, a government has been established that makes electoral statements on a daily basis, that directs accusations against uncomfortable witnesses, that reacts with power and viloence against NGOs, unalligned journalists and whoever rebels against the status quo.

Sold For A Few Votes

Last week was characterised by a small upturn in landings, with numbers that we haven’t seen for some time. The political situation in Libya and the instability of the regions in the global South – aside from the countless wars we are waging – are simply some of the causes that have seen more than […]

Build Walls And Make Money

Are we really sure that we don’t want migrants? Are we sure that it’s better they stay at home and die of hunger of in the wake of a smart bomb manufactured by us and dropped by one of our allies?