
The hotspot approach: from greek lab to New EU pact on migration and asylum
Article first published on April 12, - The…

The diversities that unite us. The marriage of Chiara and Stefano
Chiara and Stefano come from different realities. He comes from…

The Story of Peter and Precious
Every day in Italy we hear news about wrong or absurd laws, about…

The dignity of welcoming and being welcomed
Palermo has been proclaimed the Italian capital of welcome. It…

The Mayor of Lampedusa Speaks Out: “The State Is Eradicating Our Island” - Totò Martello, the Mayor of the Italian council that…

The new security law became active last week and now needs to…

Messina: A Change Of Scene. From Today Migrant Landings To Be Moved To The Nuremberg Dock – The news had already been circulating for…

The Extraordinary Reception of Unaccompanied Minors: The Ragusa Prefecture Looks to Open New Centres
At the end of July, the Chamber of Deputies approved the legislation…

That Old Hotel at Geraci Siculo
Geraci, famous for the clean waters which flow from the nearby…

Migrants, little water and no breaks during the transfers. A policeman: “If there is any problem, we’ll take care of it”
From MeridioNews“We can’t let anybody get off the bus, otherwise…