
Those Who Die, Those Who Arrive and Those Who Remain: The Overcrowded Hotspots at Pozzallo
“WhatEurope just doesn't understand is that for migrants arriving…

The Voices of Those Who Are Thrown Back by the Walls and a Lethal Indifference
In these muggy August days we have been reading tales of violence…

Meeting between associations and institutions in Catania on the issue of refoulement
In front of therepeating practice of deferred refoulement thathas…

The arrivals continue at Lampedusa. Survivors’ testimonies of the shipwreck of 11 October, “the Libyans shot at us”
Lampedusa is still receiving new arrivals ofmigrants, mainly…

Conference “Administrative Detention and Forced Removal following the 2008/115/CE Directive on Repatriations”
Palermo,Aula Sturzo, Piazza Bologni 8Programme:WelcomeProf.…

Migrants transferred from Lampedusa but Thursday’s survivors stay
While search and rescue operations continue in the sea between…

Bereavement for the dead, collective refoulements for the living
By Fulvio Vassallo PaleologoThe latest tragedy hit waters near…

Pozzallo Migrant Riots – 5 injured
Once again,another riot at the CSPA (First Reception…

Lampedusa: b4p and LampedusaInFestival (part 3)
Yesterday, 19th July, the 4th edition of LampedusaInFestival…

Pozzallo, arrival by boat of 40 migrants from Central Africa. Currently housed in a gym, possibilty of repatriation.
Forty migrants, thought to be Eritrean and Somalian were last…