The Migrant Business: More Than €143,000 Per Day, Managed By An Archipelago Of Cooperatives – The former Regional Aide for Families, managed of the Ippocrate in Enna: “We’re only left with €3 per resident.” In front of the gates to the former hotel ‘Canguro’, the locals of Castell’Umberto point their fingers above all at them: the cooperatives. “They make money and we take the migrants” is the phrase passing through the crowd. […]

The deceit of the state asylum system in Enna

During the visits which have been made since March 2015 to the extraordinary reception centres in the province of Enna, we always had difficulties to understand how the contracts for institutions through a public tender in the reception system for asylum seekers in the province were awarded. In fact, all the operators which we have […]

Visiting the CAS of Pergusa

Last Saturday we went to one of the three CAS* of Pergusa, a district of the city of Enna, distancing about five kilometers from the centre. We visited the CAS managed by the cooperative ‘Ippocrate’, in a huge facility built in 2004 for becoming a rehabilitation clinic, which, though, in all these years has never […]

The Cas/Sprar of piazza Armerina managed by the association Don Bosco 2000

On May 25, we have been invited to visit the reception centre of Piazza Armerina managed by the association Don Bosco 2000, which has 46 accommodation places for first reception and further 50 places as part of the SPRAR* project. The association Don Bosco 2000 has been active in the field of reception since 2001 […]

The asylum seekers in Pergusa have been waiting a year and a half for their asylum request to be examined

Last Friday we visited the CAS* in Enna within the district of Pergusa. The CAS is situated in the facilities of the former “Villaggio del Fanciullo” which was managed by the “Care centre for the elderly Santa Lucia of Enna”. About one hundred young asylum seekers of African origins live in the centre, mainly from […]