Mobilization for the Sea Watch in front of the Cathedral in Palermo

Article first published on June 25, 2019

Tuesday, June 25th, 2019. Starting at 9pm, rally in front of the Cathedral in Palermo.

The events surrounding the Sea Watch are getting more and more inhumane every day. This inhumanity last surfaced when the Archbishop of Turin’s message, signaling his willingness to accommodate those 43 persons waiting off the shore of Lampedusa for the last 12 days, was mocked by the Minister of the Interior.

In the face of such inhuman treatment, initiatives and expressions of solidarity are growing day by day. In Lampedusa – accompanied by Don Carmelo La Magra – various solidary groups have decided to spend the night in front of the church. This is an act of protest and solidary co-living of the harshness that the migrants on board the ship are facing.

We believe that, through the organization of similar initiatives at other locations, this sign should be strongly supported, and the protest given visibility. Once again, we have to absolutely make clear that we condemn utterly the politics of closed harbors, of repatriations and the transformation of our Mediterranean into a sunken graveyard!


Legambiente Sicilia,
Mediterraneo Antirazzista,
Forum Antirazzista Palermo,
Laici Comboniani Palermo,
Emmaus Palermo,
Cobas Antirazzista e Cobas Scuola Palermo,
Ass. Antimafie Rita Atria,
Arci Sicilia,
CISS-Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud,
Borderline Sicilia,
Borderline Europe


Translated by Christian Lamp