Mohamed Ba will present “The Invisibles” at Bagheria on 7 December 2018 at 6pm, at the Cineateatro Roma (Via Roma 8).

THE INVISIBLES is a theatrical production that follows the journey of two African me along a beach, who try at all costs to survive the nightmares of poverty by dreaming of a better life on the other side of the frontier.
What would our lives be like is, by mysterious chance, weren’t born here but in the “Third World”?
Things we take for granted (school, food, a safe and secure home, work, even growing old!…) are not so sure over there.
And so – as through the eyes of two Africans – the need to double the dream.
During the play, Mohamed Ba is both the custodian of the African tradition and the renovator who narrates the historical, social and political contradictions, the dreams, hopes and pains of African communities faced with the drama and journeys of migration and the hopes of those who leave without forgetting anything.

5pm: Doors open
6pm: The play
7pm: Debate

Free entrance/ donation
(limited space)

Possibility of reserving a place at a cost of €5
(For information and reservations, 3248150620)


Event organised by
Borderline Sicilia ONLUS
“Brücken statt Mauern – over borders”
Financed by the EU within the project “Europe for Citizens” (EACEA)

In collaboration with
Associazione Bocs Creative Space
Barca (local solidarity committee)
With the support of:
Caritas Bagheria
Gi.Fra. Bagheria
Rotaract Club Bagheria
Legambiente Bagheria zone
Facebook page:

Project “OpenEurope” – Oxfam Italia, Diaconia Valdese, Borderline Sicilia Onlus

Translation by Richard Braude