
Remembrance by the Few, Silence of the Many. Three Landings and 29 Bodies at Pozzallo.

"Ileft after having spent 40 days in a bunker in Libya. I wasthreatened…

From the Sea to the Countryside, Passing Through Our Cities

What do a young Ghanaian woman, amiddle-aged Nigerian man and…

A War on Migrants: The Palermo Landing

On August 31st, 1169 people were landed at the the port of Palermo.Those…

Everyone Sit Down Please

It's not just a line for children, but also the position lived…

The Violence Reproduced by Emergency

Emergency considered as the only possible response. It is the…

Agrigento, Trapani and Palermo: Arrivals and Rejections

The results of the landings in the port of Palermo, Trapani and…

So Many Arrivals, So Little Protection. Migrants In Ever Worse Conditions And Abandoned To Themselves.

In only a few days 4,500 people have been rescued and brought…

Landings at Agrigento and Palermo: “Where is my husband? Please help me!”

Last Saturday (June 25th), the Coast Guard ship “Diciotti”…

The Parliamentary Commission Fails The Pozzallo Hotspot: New Minors Accepted Yesterday

On June 23rdthe parliamentary commission for the inquest into…

Western Sicily: A Week of Hell

Over theweek just gone, our attention has turned not only to…