
Borders, Reception and Rights in Sicily and Europe: Workers, Legal Experts and Researchers in Conversation

Tuesday July5th 2016, University of Palermo, Via Maqueda 172,…

Borderline Sicilia visits the hotspot of Pozzallo

On January 25th, with prior approval, we visited the hotspot…

New disembarkings and hundreds of rejections at Pozzallo and Lampedusa

When we visited the Hotspot at Pozzallo a few days ago, we asked…

How hotspots delete the right of asylum

Alioscia Castronovo – Dinamopress – Violation of human rights,…

Let’s reject everyone or even better, let’s not!

“If we hadn't seen it with our own eyes, it would havebeen…

Hotspot and deferred refusals: the Lampedusa-model

In Agrigento, the situation regarding“refoulement” and expulsion…

The truth about the Hotspot policy – violations and illegal actions on Lampedusa island

In the last couple of weeks, dozens of people coming from Mali,…

The Right of Asylum becomes a Utopia

In the last few weeks, while the news in thenewspapers has focussed…

Meeting between associations and institutions in Catania on the issue of refoulement

In front of therepeating practice of deferred refoulement thathas…

Migrants turned away from Catania and Syracuse

On 30 September 2015 between 10-11am, a boat arrived in the port…