
Landings at Agrigento and Palermo: “Where is my husband? Please help me!”

Last Saturday (June 25th), the Coast Guard ship “Diciotti”…

The Parliamentary Commission Fails The Pozzallo Hotspot: New Minors Accepted Yesterday

On June 23rdthe parliamentary commission for the inquest into…

The CARA* at Mineo once again at the centre of investigations. And the numbers present continue to rise.

The investigations into the CARA* at Mineo, within the remit…

Western Sicily: A Week of Hell

Over theweek just gone, our attention has turned not only to…

Minors in the Pozzallo Hotspot. On the “unwelcoming” road.

“I arriveda month ago, after having been in Sudan and for…

Migrant crisis? The Italian hotspot approach is not a solution, but it has been politically effective

Alessio D'angelo - MA Migration, Society and Policy Programme…

Fortress Europe’s Revolving Doors

The image which comes to mind so often at the momentis that…

Let’s reject everyone or even better, let’s not!

“If we hadn't seen it with our own eyes, it would havebeen…

Fortunately 2015 ended

The numbers of2015 are horrible, they recall homicides, daily…

Hotspot and deferred refusals: the Lampedusa-model

In Agrigento, the situation regarding“refoulement” and expulsion…