
Boys On The Outside

It's not only the title of a celebrated film by Marco Risi, but…

Landings at Agrigento and Palermo: “Where is my husband? Please help me!”

Last Saturday (June 25th), the Coast Guard ship “Diciotti”…

Western Sicily: A Week of Hell

Over theweek just gone, our attention has turned not only to…

Minors in the Pozzallo Hotspot. On the “unwelcoming” road.

“I arriveda month ago, after having been in Sudan and for…

We have lost even the last speck of humanity

The accounts provided by doctors present at the latest disembarkings…

So much hypocrisy and confusion, only one certainty: death – Agrigento

Agrigento – our journey had stopped in Palermo, at the confusion…

The reception centre for minors in Villa Montevago of Caltagirone reopens with a new management

The first reception centre for minors in Villa Montevago of Caltagirone…

Fleeing migrants. Who lands, who is returned and who loses his life at sea

In the anniversary of the 3 October carnage, it isstill dramatic…

After landing: Staying in Italy between time-consuming beurocracy transfers

By now we read daily news about the landing of immigrants on…

A visit to Augusta’s centre for minors

Two police vans are parked in front of the entrance to Augusta’s…