Arrival in Lampedusa, vessel with 41 North Africans

From blogsicilia.
Forty one North Africans, all adult men, arrived by boat in Lampedusa shortly after 11am in a wooden cabin cruiser. It was rescued by the coast guard who had been notified by the captain of a fishing boat this morning at 7.30. There were 30 Tunisians, a Marrocan and 10 Algerians aboard. The craft was reached by the patrol boat CP312, 14 miles north of Lampedusa and 12 East of Linosa.
The recepetion centre Contrada Imbriacola was available and provided food for all of the migrants, the director of the centre, Federico Miragliotta, confirmed at midday. Everything at the centre seemed very calm and it was completely empty. Miragliotta, who works for the cooperative Lampedusa Accoglienza, was available to answer our questions about the arrival of the boat, but only once outside of the centre (the military had previously granted me access to the building). There are about 300 available places. The building which had burnt down, has not been rebuilt.
From Lampedusa Judith Gleitze, Borderline Sicilia/borderline-europe