12 September 2018
Marsala – Sala Convegni Monumento ai Mille

Borderline Sicilia (non-profit) is engaged across Sicily in order to monitor practices enacted by institutional and private agents relating to the permanence, reception and detention of migrants and their access to regional services.

Within the remit of the EVI-MED project (Constructing an Evidence Base of Contemporary Mediterranean Migration), Borderline Sicilia has contributed over the past 2 years to research on the migratory route across the Mediterranean Sea and the systems of reception for asylum seekers and refugees, financed by the ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) and co-ordinated by Middlesex University (London, UK). The research activity – conducted in Sicily, Greece and Malta – has come out of the desire to give back the results and tools of the research through a virtuous cycle and to improve the effectiveness of planned interventions benefiting forced migrants.

The current, rising climate of intolerance, along with the trend in criminalising migrants and groups protecting migrant rights, has made informational activities a priority, in order to spread information void of prejudices and ulterior motives. This is the basis of the “Brücken statt Mauern – over border” project financed by the EU within the remit of the “Europe for Citizens” program by the EACEA, in which Borderline Sicilia is the Italian partner. The project involves the returning of the research results of the EVI-MED project and the need to combat the stigmitisation of migrants through moments of exchange between institutional actors, academics and third-sector organisations, organised on the bases of a day of meetings and comparisons.

The idea is to deepen understanding and investigate the complex world of the hidden economy, working from the general to the particular and from theory to practice thanks to the contribution from local actors involved in the province of Trapani in various roles. It aims to further understanding of and promote good practices in different areas through comparative contexts, concuding in a debate on the exploitation of seasonal migrant workers, involving institutions, worker representative and third sector organisations.

Morning session

9.30 Registration

10.00 – 10.30 Introduction:
Nicola Montagna, Middlesex University, London / Elio Tozzi, Borderline Sicilia

10.30 – 11.45 Framing the general situation: Hidden economy, Shock economy, exploitation of manual labour in the countryside
 Carlo Colloca, University of Catania / Antonello Mangano, journalist terrelibere.org / Marco Omizzolo, Sociologist and researcher, Eurispes / Papa Latyr Fayé (HERVE), Casa Sanakara Associazione Ghetto Our / Antonella Tranito, Acting public prosecutor, Court of Marsala

11:45 Coffee break

12.00 – 13.15 Debate and Q&A

Afternoon session

14.45 – 17.00 Round table on good practices and policies in the management of seasonal farm work: dialogue between local actors, institutions, worker representatives and associations
Giuseppe Marra, USB Reggio Calabria /Alfonso di Stegano, Catania Anti-racist Network / Saverio Cudia, Contadinazioni /Thierno Wade, agricultural worker, Campobello di Mazara / Peppe Scifo, CGIL Regusa / Gianluca Nigro


Alessio d’Angelo, Middlesex University London / Germana Graceffo, Borderline Sicilia


Project “OpenEurope” – Oxfam Italia, Diaconia Valdese, Borderline Sicilia Onlus

Translation by Richard Braude