
The disputed Mediterranean
Article first publishe on October 18, 2021As it has been happening…

The CARA of Mineo: The Ghetto Wanted by the Lega Closes Down after Eight Years
A report on the establishment of a center of violence and oppression.The…

The Diciotti Case: June 22nd convention at the courthouse in Catania
Contemporary law: the Diciotti case. Rules of the right to rescue…

Dutch Government Concedes: Sea-Watch 3 Sails to Scheduled Shipyard Maintenance in France
On Tuesday, Sea-Watch announced its preparedness to begin urgent…

The Most Recent Arrivals By Sea and the Strange Power of Racist Propaganda
Weeks of intense movement within the Mediterranean Sea, especially…

The Diciotti Crisis. Interview with Prof. Mangiameli: “Migration Isn’t an Emergency, It’s A Constant Part of Our History”.
Taken from hashtagsicilia -Migration, reception, integration.…

The Diciotti Incident: The Shaming of a State
The Diciotti is blocked in the Eastern harbour at the port of…

Associations call for the revocation of the anti-informal camp order
From Meridionews – The associations, citizens and…

After Three Days of Bureaucratic Stalling, 105 Rescued People are on Route to a Port of Safety in Italy
0.05.2018 – The Aquarius, the humanitarian rescue vessel hired…

Messina and Catania: Recent Rescues from the Sea and from Torture in Libya
At around 8am on the morning of 24th April, the Sea Watch 3 was…