Cassibile, the spectacle of exploitation

Article first published on May 7, 2021The opening of the institutional…

New Year, New Problems: A Month in Cassibile

Article first published on March 31, 2021This March, as happens…

Cassibile and the structural “emergency” of the illegal recruitment of underpaid agricultural workers

From the main road leading to the town of Cassibile, one can…

Visit to the SPRAR Centre in Francofonte

At the beginning of October we went to visit the SPRAR* centre…

The Landings Never Stop

Since the establishment of the League-Five Star government, a…

The Emergency Hostel in Rosolini: Asylum Seekers With Restricted Movement

On August 2nd we returned to the Extraordinary Reception Centre*…

Stories Of Ordinary Integration, Against The Stereotypes!

On July 4th we had the pleasure of engaging in a conversation…

The Dirty Propaganda Campaign About Libya

On 21 May 2018, a conference was held at the Ortygia Business…

A Good Example For Once

For once, a good example of migrant reception. A report of a…