More Protests at the Detention Centre in Pian del Lago: Tunisian Man Seriously Wounded

Following the fire that saw its closure on 9 December 2017, the detention centre* in Caltanissetta recently reopened its doors in order to allow the reprise of weekly deportations, mainly to Tunisia.

The detention centre in Caltanisetta (

After an attempted breakout at the detention centre last December, on Tuesday 22 January the migrants selected for deportation recommenced the protests.

The following day, Wednesday 23 January, a young Tunisian man tried to escape from the bus that was presumably taking him to the Falcone-Borsellino airport in Palermo, hiding himself in one of the structures on the roof.

According to some of the eye witnesses, when the police reached the young man he seemed to jump from the roof he was on, sustaining serious injuries.

We do not know whether the detained people are being given the possibility to request protection.

Peppe Platania
Borderline Sicilia


* detention centre = CPR (centro permanente di rimpatrio)


Project “OpenEurope” – Oxfam Italia, Diaconia Valdese, Borderline Sicilia Onlus

Translation by Richard Braude