Pian del Lago: Maximum security repatriation center

Article first published on October 4, 2021We have been in Caltanissetta…

Never Again CPRs – the antiracist garrison at Pian del Lago

On Saturday, January 18th, a garrison formed in front of the…

CPR of Caltanissetta: a Tunisian boy dies and protests erupt

Press release – A Tunisian boy being detained at the CPR of…

The (ab)normality of reception in Caltanissetta 

In Caltanissetta and its province, the dangerous effects of the…

More Protests at the Detention Centre in Pian del Lago: Tunisian Man Seriously Wounded

Following the fire that saw its closure on 9 December 2017, the…

Open the Ports: Caltanissetta in solidarity with Aquarius.

On the 12th of June Caltanissetta also expressed solidarity with…

Press release of the immigration desk of Caltanissetta

There are countries in the world where the relationship with…

The life of 18-year-olds* in eastern Sicily

Most of the complex problems regarding immigration in Italy are…

Fire in the campo of Pian del Lago: Continued Invisibility

The terrible living conditions of migrants in the informal camp…

The Camp At Pian Del Lago, Caltanissetta: A Non-Place Of Desperation

Living conditions are increasingly worse for the migrants living…