
Sold For A Few Votes
Last week was characterised by a small upturn in landings, with…

After The Landing, Human Rights On Hold: The Case Of The Extraordinary Reception Centre at Rosolini
Mohamed and Ahmed (not their real names) arrived in Sicily on…

“They Leave As People, They Arrive As Ghosts” Shipwrecks And Push-Backs At Sea. Italy Closes The Doors, Including To Those Who Manage To Arrive
On June 12th a Swedish ship belonging to Frontex landed at Catania,…

Refugees at a Distance: New Victims Amid the Complete Silence of Fortress Europe
“Europe talks about migrants as refugees only when they're…

Deaths, Rejections and Vulnerable Detentions in the Pozzallo Hotspot: The Daily Tragedy of Those Fleeing to Europe
Onaverage there are four landings every week at Sicilian ports…

Market Commodities: Unaccompanied Minors Fleeing Without Any Protection
“I got out of Italy. Now I'm in a safe country.” 'A's message…

Remembrance by the Few, Silence of the Many. Three Landings and 29 Bodies at Pozzallo.
"Ileft after having spent 40 days in a bunker in Libya. I wasthreatened…

Will There Ever Be A Dignified Welcoming For Migrants at the Port of Augusta?
By the Catania Antiracist NetworkDozens of migrants, the majority…

From the Sea to the Countryside, Passing Through Our Cities
What do a young Ghanaian woman, amiddle-aged Nigerian man and…

More Vulnerable People, Less Protection. Prolonged Detention in Pozzallo and Augusta.
Fifteen migrants dead at sea, including women and children.The…