
Sold For A Few Votes

Last week was characterised by a small upturn in landings, with…

After The Landing, Human Rights On Hold: The Case Of The Extraordinary Reception Centre at Rosolini

Mohamed and Ahmed (not their real names) arrived in Sicily on…

Refugees at a Distance: New Victims Amid the Complete Silence of Fortress Europe

“Europe talks about migrants as refugees only when they're…

Market Commodities: Unaccompanied Minors Fleeing Without Any Protection

“I got out of Italy. Now I'm in a safe country.” 'A's message…

Remembrance by the Few, Silence of the Many. Three Landings and 29 Bodies at Pozzallo.

"Ileft after having spent 40 days in a bunker in Libya. I wasthreatened…

Will There Ever Be A Dignified Welcoming For Migrants at the Port of Augusta?

By the Catania Antiracist NetworkDozens of migrants, the majority…

From the Sea to the Countryside, Passing Through Our Cities

What do a young Ghanaian woman, amiddle-aged Nigerian man and…

More Vulnerable People, Less Protection. Prolonged Detention in Pozzallo and Augusta.

Fifteen migrants dead at sea, including women and children.The…