
Exploitation and neglect in the Trapani region
If you want a good idea of how the governmentmanages immigration,…

Reception conditions in Trapani? From one gym to another.
They have been in Italy for over a month and all that theyhave…

New escape from Trapani’s Immigration Detention Centre- Milo
From There are at least 10 migrants, according to…

Salina Grande – report 15/09/2012
Returning to Salina Grande after a couple of months away, it…

Unacceptable conditions at Salinagrande
Six beds per room, mattresses on the floor. This is how the…

Salinagrande, the Centre’s migrants bear the signs of beatings
Report, 11th-15th May 2012Right from the very beginning of…

Salinagrande: serious problems still persist despite an improvement in living conditions, police checks to “catch” irregular migrants increase
Conditions are still critical for many of theTunisians in…