Arrival by boat of fifty migrants during the night in Pozzallo.

by Il Clandestino
Fifty migrants arrived exhausted last night at Pozzallo. They are believed to be of Eritrean or Somali origin. There were eleven women and a little girl of three years old in the group.
They were seen off the Maltese coast, crammed into small dinghies.
The Maltese authorities accompanied them to Italian waters, where the Finance Police brought them into the port of Pozzallo.

Police, Carabinieri, the Civil Protection and the Port Authorities were all present.
None of the migrants, many of who were very young, needed hospital treatment.
After the migrants had been brought ashore, they were transferred to the reception centre in the port of Pozzallo, where questioning began around midnight.
Francesco Ruta – Giorgio Ruta – Daniela Sammito – Andrea Scarfò