Huge arrival of immigrants in the Province of Syracuse

From the newspaper Giornale di Sicilia
A wooden vessel has arrived at Portopalo di Capo Passero with around a hundred migrants aboard, thought to be of Somalian and Eritrean origin. According to witnesses, some of the migrants dispersed into the surrounding area. Around 100 migrants, claiming to be from Somalia and Eritrea, were located yesterday evening after having arrived on the coast near Portopalo di Capo Passero, Syracuse. Among the group, there are 25 women and some children. Initial reports state a wooden boat about 12 metres long arrived on the beach near the archeological site with no fewer than 230 people aboard. Therefore, more than 100 migrants remain unaccounted for.
The search operation is still in progress with many of the emergency services taking part- including the ambulance service- they are all working around the clock. The migrants have been housed in the ex-fish market where they are likely to stay the night. A group from the Civil Protection are there to offer assistance. According to what the Port Authorities can make out, the large wooden fishing boat should have left Bengasi last Saturday and arrived in Portopalo at around 18.30.