
The (ab)normality of reception in Caltanissetta
In Caltanissetta and its province, the dangerous effects of the…

The Straight Back of Grace
Grace, whose name has been changed by the author, is a thirty-nine-year-old…

Visit to the SPRAR Centre in Francofonte
At the beginning of October we went to visit the SPRAR* centre…

On November 7th the Senate approved the “immigration and security”…

The new security law became active last week and now needs to…

Stories Of Ordinary Integration, Against The Stereotypes!
On July 4th we had the pleasure of engaging in a conversation…

A Good Example For Once
For once, a good example of migrant reception. A report of a…

Build Walls And Make Money
Are we really sure that we don't want migrants? Are we sure that…

The life of 18-year-olds* in eastern Sicily
Most of the complex problems regarding immigration in Italy are…

The Difficulties of the Reception System in Trapani
Requests for help have been coming in from people hosted in reception…